This shot, like a lot of shots on the project, was touched by a great many people. I believe it was finished in MPC London, based on a Terragen setup created by myself and the environment lead, Scott Russell.
This shot, like a lot of shots on the project, was touched by a great many people. I believe it was finished in MPC London, based on a Terragen setup created by myself and the environment lead, Scott Russell.
Swamp house concept, based on a base render from ‘Vue’.
The largest castle set extension
Boston Apartment Skyline. The script called for the apartment (despite being on a higher floor) to feel crowded by the surrounding buildings.
A lot of the work on this show was turning exterior shots (from Ireland) into the fantastical landscapes of ‘Neverland’. Many of the forest shots were supposed to contain deep canyons with natural stone bridges, but were simply shot with cones or small pieces of bluescreen on the ground.
First shot of the ‘White Wood’ environment. The simple sets and the odd design for the forest made these shots very tricky to create.
Lotus Defense Corps Headquarters from Ep. 2 ‘Uprising’.
Architecture of the main buildings is loosely based on the old ‘Apple’ campus.
Concept for post-destruction London. Final matte painting was done by RodeoFX.
Triffoil refinery establishing shot. Source renders of the main refinery building provided by others.
‘Cragwich Forest’ aerial shot – the first time I used ‘Vue’ in production, as well as the first full establishing of my career
Cave mouth DMP. Shot in Bourne Woods, near Farnham in the UK. It’s such a popular filming location that there were lots of set pieces from other shows handing around – the random junk in this plate was from ‘Band of Brothers’.
‘Supercell’ matte painting for the ‘Tornado’ episode. Miniature trailer from ‘The Model Unit’. Source photo for the supercell from ‘Extreme Instability’
Final matte painting of the ‘Skyline’ stadium. Initial renders done in ‘Vue’.