Chase 1

The production shut down Highway 17 on Vancouver Island for several weeks for the ‘drone chase’ sequence, but shot all the driving plates from exactly the same height. To get the dynamic camera moves the sequence needed, I set up a system in nuke that reprojected the plates onto a smoothed version of the lidar scan, and re-rendered the (more interesting) shot cameras.

Chase 3

A particularly challenging shot was a pan of the second drone vehicle, as we only had footage travelling forwards over the bridge. Jeffrey Burt in the layout department came up with an ingenious solution, reprojecting the same plate backwards for the first half of the shot, and aligning it with the same plate played forwards for the end. I reconstructed the missing middle section as a projected DMP, along with Hana Hirosaka and Nozomi Nakano.

Tails 1

I believe this is the last shot I worked on at MPC. The far background was from a drone shoot done in Squamish by Scott Russell and augmented by Hana Hirosaka. I added the FG vegetation as set of projected cards. I was also, bizarrely, responsible for the animated UI of Tails’ handheld tracker, which was created in nuke. I would not recommend doing this…