Machine Learning 1

This was a project to train a machine learning system in terrain erosion, to speed up the process of landscape creation. It used a dataset from Washington in the US, and a custom version of ‘Pix2pix’. While the results looked promising, the resolution (256×256) wasn’t high enough to be useful, and turned into more a learning exercise than a production-ready tool.

Ice Age 1

This environment (Bingley in the Ice Age) was simply referred to as ‘Snowy Plain’. The principle challenge was the snowstorm, which I created using a volume shader for the fog, and multiple layers of animated textures for the cloud and spindrift. The distant landscape is a detailed matte painting from DNEG’s DMP team, but you can barely see it in the final frame.

MPC Titles

I worked for MPC Vancouver for more than 8 years, 7 of them as head of the 3DDMP / Environments department.

As far as I can tell, I hired 154 people into the department during my time there, around 40 for their first ever role in VFX.

The studio closed it’s doors for good in December 2019


The Finest Hours – 2015

I was again lead artist on this show, as well a HoD of the whole of the Vancouver environments department.  I created several coastline matte paintings for this show, as well as some skydomes.  This is one that I worked on at a rate of about 1hr/week for the duration of the show – a fully digital grass bank, blowing in the wind.